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Tips & tricks for sewing a circular base

For our next blog post we're sharing how to sew a circular base.

We use this technique when making our cute Santa Doorstop or Hanging Santa Gonk or Harry Hedgehog.

Start by finding even quarter points on the main body piece.

Do this by folding the body in half and lining up the side seams, this will give you the half way point of the body front and back.

Pop some pins in place to mark these points.

Then repeat this process with the circular base piece, by folding in half and half again to find the quarter points.

You will then line these pins up to join the main body and base together.

Ensure when pinning together that the pins are popped in place where you will be sewing, so, within the seam allowance. Next, stitch slowly and carefully around the circle, feeling the underneath layer as you go to ensure there are no puckers.

Tah Dah! The base has been sewn, now to continue sewing your project!


Find our Santa Doorstop here -

Harry Hedgehog can be found here -

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