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How to use magnetic bag clips

Magnetic bag clips are perfect to add to any bag you are making and handy to keep everything inside safe! Find them to buy here for 99p (available in two different colours)
Magnetic clips are made up of four parts, a female and male piece and two disks. They are simple to add to any project when following these simple steps...
1. Iron on interfacing
Iron a patch of interfacing onto the area where your clip will sit. This will help strengthen the fabric when used over time.
2. Mark the position
Take your pattern and lay on top of your fabric piece that requires a clip. Mark through the pattern onto your fabric with a pen, pencil or invisible marker as seen in the pictures below. A handy tip is to use the metal disk to ensure the spacing for the prongs will be the right width apart. Using a pen/pencil make a mark through the holes on the disk, this is for the next step, where you will make two small snips for the prongs to go. 
3. Make the snips
Now make two small slits in the fabric for the clip prongs to be pushed through. With the fabric folded in half make two tiny snips, it's good to use the back of your scissors for the best control. Remember, you can always make the holes bigger, you can't make them smaller!
4. Securing the clip
Push the clip through the tiny holes you have made from the front to the back of the fabric. Then place a disk onto the back to secure in place. Fold the prongs inwards to hold into place (as shown in the pictures below)
Your magnetic clips are now in place and ready to be used!
There are many patterns that use this technique, including the Pippa Purse and Barcelona Bag. Check out some Owl and Sewing Cat bag patterns here -

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